Institunional Partners


Logo Interreg France-Suisse
The Terra Salina project was designed in order to develop the INTERREG territorial coordination between France and Switzerland from 2014 to 2020, which will enable local authorities to work together across the borders, and benefits from the support of the European Funds for Regional Development. The overall cost is € 792,371.00 (Fr CH 856,315.00), of which € 450,000.00 (Fr CH 486,315.00) in France and € 342,371.00 (Fr CH 370,000.00) in Switzerland. The project is funded by the FEDER foundation to the amount of 65 % in France, and 28.11% in Switzerland.
Logo Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Logo Confédération Suisse
Logo Doubs Le Département
Logo Canton de Vaud
Logo Canton de Neuchatel Terra Salina
Canton de Berne Terra Salina
Commune de Val-de-Travers Terra Salina
Logo Unesco Terra Salina